Lista Studio srl
Pub A43 Leatt Brace, "MOTO R - Research and Development In-house Testing for SFI 38.1"
Pub A42 Leatt Brace, "MOTO GPX - Research and Development In-house Testing Impacts at 30km/hr"
Pub A41 2006: Ninth International Symposium on the 3D Analysis of Human Movement, "3D Motion Analysis of Golf Swings, Development and validation of a golf-specific test set-up", Nils Betzler, Stefan Kratzenstein, Fabian Schweizer, and Kerstin Witte
Pub A40 2006: Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, Vol 5, Issue 2, "The Effects of Racket Inertia Tensor on Elbow Loadings and Racket Behavior for Central and Eccentric Impacts", Steven M. Nesbit, Michael Elzinga, Catherine Herchenroder and Monika Serrano
Pub A39 2003: Modeling and Simulation 2003, "Sport Biomechanical Analysis using Full-body Computer Models ", Steven M. Nesbit, and M.X. Ribadeneira
Pub A38 2006: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, "Effect of Guided Knee Motion and High Flexion TKA on Kinematics, Implant Stresses, and Wear", Michael D Ries, Jan M.K. Victor, Johan Bellemans, MD Langdorp Belgium, Jason Otto, Brian W McKinnon, Amit Parikh, Jeff A Sprague, Abraham Salehi
Pub A37
2006: 9th Symposium On 3D Analysis Of Human Movement in Valenciennes, "BRG.LifeMOD Modeling and Simulation of Swimmers Impulse During a Grab Start", Guillaume Agnesina, Redha Taiar, Nicolas Houel, Kevin Guelton, Philippe Hellard, Yuli Toshev - poster
Pub A36 2005: Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, "Study of the Human Impulse Characteristics from the Standing Shooting Posture", Young-Shin Lee, Young-Jin Choi, Kyu-Hyun Han, Je-Wook Chae, Eui-Jung Choi and In-Woo Kim
Pub A35 2005: Virginia Tech Research Symposium, "Localization and Inverse Dynamic Simulation in Determining Joint Moments", Jian Liu, Thurmon E. Lockhart
Pub A34 2005: INSA, Toulouse (in French) Modeling Apline Skiing using BRG.LifeMOD, Francoise Rey.
Pub A33 2005: Total Knee Arthroplasty, Springer Verlag, Chapter 24: The Virtual Knee , B.W. McKinnon, J.K. Otto, S.P. McGuan.
Pub A32 2005: KSME, A Study of the Human Impulse Characteristics from the Standing Shooting Posture , Y. Lee, et al.
Pub A31 2004: Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 4, No. 3, "Evaluation of a Computer-Simulation Model for Human Ambulation on Stilts", 2004: , C.S. Pan (NIOSH), et al.
Pub A30 2002: Industrial Systems Review, "Dynamic Simulation and Comfort Analysis of Human-Vehicle Systems" , S. Leino, et al. (VTT Industrial Systems)
Pub A29 2002: XX Symposium of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, "Achieving Commercial Success with Biomechanics Simulation", S. McGuan
Pub A28 2001: Proceedings of the 2001 North American User's Conference, "A Study of a Human Model Augmented with Stilts in a Work Environment", M. Ma, S. McGuan (MDI)
Pub A27 2002: Proceedings of the 1001 American Society for Engineering Education, "Introducing ADAMS, a Mechanical System Simulation Software, to Bioengineering Students", R. Cham, B. Moyer (University of Pittsburgh)
Pub A26 2001:Journal of Gravitational Physiology, "Modelling The Neuromechanical Events Of Locomotion At Varying Gravitational Levels", K. Day (UCLA), S. McGuan (MDI), et. al.
Pub A25 2001: Presented at the 2001 SAE Digital Human Modeling Conference, Arlington, VA "Human Modeling - From Bubblemen to Skeletons", S. McGuan (MDI)
Pub A24 2001: Presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA. "Late versus Early Engagement of Posterior Stabilized Prostheses: Effect on Extensor Moment Arm and Resultant Extensor Loads", R Metzger, S McGuan, et al.
Pub A23 1999: Presented at the 99 International Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Conference, Washington DC, "Redefining the Role of Muscle Groups during Gait: Dynamics Compensations for Common Musculskeletal Impairments.", T. Kepple, K. Siegel, et al. (NIH)
Pub A22 1998: Presented at the 98 Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Meeting, Ca, "A Primer for Understanding Joint Kinetics", T. Kepple, N. Haideri (NIH)
Pub A21 1999: Gait and Posture, Vol 9, "Modeling the Relative Compensatory Ability of Lower Extremity Muscle Groups during Normal Walking", T. Kepple (NIH)
Pub A20 1999: Gait and Posture, Vol 9, "Joint Moment Contributions to Segmental Power During Walking", K. Lohmann Siegel, T. Kepple, (NIH) et al.
Pub A19 1999: 45th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, "Development and Verification of a Virtual Knee Simulator for TKR Evaluation", P. Rullkoetter (Johnson & Johnson), S. McGuan
Pub A18 1998: 65th annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, "Total Knee System Performance Measurement Through Computerized Intrinsic Stability testing.", S. McGuan, et al.
Pub A17 1998: XVI Symposium of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, " Exploring Human Adaptation using Ultrasonic Measurement techniques and Optimized, Dynamic Human Neck Models", S. McGuan, A. Friedrichs
Pub A16 1997: Gait and Posture: "Relative Contributions of the Lower extremity Joint Moments to Forward Progression and Support During Gait.", Kepple, T., (NIH), et al.
Pub A15 1997: 48th International Astronautical Congress: "How the Science and Engineering of Spaceflight Contribute to Understanding the Plasticity of Spinal Cord Injury", Edgerton, R. (UCLA), McGuan, S., et al.
Pub A14 1997: Mechanical Engineering Magazine: "Optimizing Orthotic Designs with FEA", S McGuan
Pub A13 1996: International ADAMS Users Conference: "Virtual Prototypes Approach to Biomechanics", S. McGuan.
Pub A12 1996: 16th Annual Canadian Gait Conference: "Dynamic Compensation for Gait in Patients with a Quadriceps Weakness", T. Kepple (NIH)
Pub A11 1996: Mechanical Engineering: "Virtual Prototype in the Prescription of Orthotics", S McGuan, B. Konantz (Prothotics)
Pub A10 1996: PD&D: "Using Virtual Prototypes in Artificial Joint Design", S McGuan, W. Leventon (editor)
Pub A09 1996: 20th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics: "Exploring Human Adaptation Using Optimized Dynamic Models", S McGuan
Pub A08 1996: Portuguese Journal of Human Performance Studies,: "Personalized Musculoskeletal Human Models for Use in Dynamic Gait Simulation for Clinical and Sports Applications", S. McGuan.
Pub A07 1996: European Society of Biomechanics: "Computer Modeling of Articular Contact for Assessing Total Knee Replacement Constraint Criteria", S. McGuan, M. Masson (Howmedica)
Pub A06 1995: Legal Tech Journal: "Virtual/Prototyping Helps Resolve Legal Issues Regarding product Design", S McGuan.
Pub A05 1995: XVth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics: "A Unique Method for Deriving Joint Compliances from Laboratory Data for Lower Extremity Simulation", S. McGuan, L. Gutkowski (NIKE)
Pub A04 1994: 18th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics: "An Approach for a Detailed Analytical Model of the Lower Extremity During a Drop Landing", S McGuan
Pub A03 1993: Proceedings of the 8th Annual East Coast Gait Laboratory Conference: "Gait Simulation: Changes in the Shock Dissipation Mechanism of the Lower Extremity Due to Varying Gravity Loads", S McGuan
Pub A02 1993: Journal of Passenger Cars: "Active Human Surrogate Control of a Motorcycle - Stabilizing and De-Stabilizing", S. McGuan (MDI)
Pub A01 Biomechanics Research Report
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